Hingham Historic Districts Commission 8/18/2022

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6:30 P.M. Call to order 6:30 P.M. Continued from 7.28.22: Carol and Mitchell Librett, 194 North Street, located in the Lincoln Local Historic District, to replace existing windows. 6:50 P.M. James and Mary Catherine Mamary, 219 Main Street, located in the Pear Tree Hill Local Historic District, for non-compliance with approved hardscape plan. 7:10 P.M. Continued from 7.28.22: Meaghan and Peter Rogers, 667 Main Street, located in the Tower-Wilder Local Historic District, demolish a single story sunroom on the south side of the house and replace with new 2-story addition. Review/Approve Meeting minutes from 6.16.2022 and 7.28.2022 Discuss potential agenda items for discussion during September meeting Adjourn

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