Hingham Water Transition & Evaluation Committee 07/29/2020

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This meeting is being held remotely as an alternate means of public access pursuant to an Order issued by the Governor of Massachusetts dated March 12, 2020, Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law.


1. Call the meeting to order. 00:00:00

2. Approval of 7/7/20 and 7/13/20 minutes. 00:03:25

3. Update on the transition status 00:05:37

update on the transition status of the water system.

4. Review the 10-year financial assumptions 00:15:51

Review the 10-year financial assumptions of the system.

5. Discussion of the preparation 00:51:25

5. Discussion of the preparation for the Capital Asset Study and Rate and Rate Structure studies.

6. Discussion of the Evaluation methodology 01:03:03

Discussion of the Evaluation methodology we will use for the next phase of the committee.

7. Comments from the public on items 01:11:32

Comments from the public on items not on the agenda.

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